About PYOC

WHO we are
We are the Ramstein Protestant Youth of the Chapel. We are a community based ministry and welcome all middle and high school students, regardless of where they attend school or chapel.

WHY we are here
We believe that investing in teens is important - especially when it comes to instilling the enduring values found in the Bible and helping students develop the most meaningful relationship of all - their relations with God! It's our desire to point students to Christ and help them grow in relationship to Him.

WHAT we do
- Create a safe environment where students can build community with their peers and adults through games, activities and quality relational time.
- Provide students opportunities to encounter Jesus through experiential learning, worship music and relevant messages that are communicated in uniquely middle and high school ways.
- Disciple students to grow in relationship with Jesus and give them opportunities and tools to boldly step out and put their faith into action.

HOW we do it
- Weekly youth groups and small group Bible studies
   Youth group consists of fun games and activities for students to build community, and a time of worship through music, and teaching for students to learn about God. Bible studies are designed to provide a deeper, more in-depth look at the Bible and its practical application to our daily lives and to facilitate deeper relationships with God and one another.

- Monthly Events
   Throughout the year, we plan fun events that give students opportunities to get to know one another better and meet new people. We encourage students to invite friends who don't typically come to youth group, as a way to introduce them to our program. Events are sometimes gender specific, sometimes grade specific, and sometimes all inclusive. Events have included... castle night games, go-karting, ropes courses, amusement park day trips, tea parties, bowling, lock-ins, movie and game nights, mafia parties, etc., etc.! 

- Retreats and service projects
   We offer two types of retreats. Some are designed with the purpose of giving students opportunities to cultivate relationships with their friends, youth group staff, and most importantly - God. Other retreats are set up with an "outreach" purpose, with the goal being to invite new students and introduce them to and incorporate them into the youth group and chapel community. Our service projects give students opportunities to reach out to others with the love of Christ.

- Chapel participation 
   We believe that attending youth group and Bible studies play a vital role in connecting students with Jesus. We also believe that worshipping with the family of God is a necessary part of spiritual growth. We, along with the chaplains, strongly encourage that both parents and students find a place of worship and get involved in that community.

Ramstein Chapel Protestant Schedule:
Liturgical Service, 9 am at the South Chapel
Traditional Service, 11 am at the South Chapel
Contemporary Service, 11 am at the North Chapel
Gospel Service, 11 am at the Vogelweh Chapel 

PARTNER with us, parents!
We believe that the investment that we make in students has the potential to last a lifetime. However, we realize that our impact pales in comparison to a parent's investment. For this reason, we desire to make every effort to partner with families to reinforce and solidify the work you are already doing. We highly encourage and welcome your involvement, and invite you to visit with us if you're interested in volunteering in some capacity. 

JOIN with us, students!
Whether you're brand new to the KMC, or you've been in Germany for years - we invite you to come and be a part of our community!